Sunday, March 22, 2015

Back in Black

It has been well over a year since my last post.  This is not one of those posts about “Oh, I’m so sorry that I have been so busy.”  Nope.  That is not this.  I had a really tough year.  I thought about coming back to my blog multiple times, but I did not feel like I was ready.  I like to blog when I’m in tune with my work and myself.  I like to blog when I feel excited and inspired.  I knew I would come back to it at some point. 

I guess that today is that day.  I actually feel a little bit like celebrating as I am writing this!

In the past year I became divorced, I became a single mom, I moved, I traveled a ton, I read a ton, I wrote a book, I met some amazing people, I started art journaling, I learned how to distance myself from unhealthy relationships, I worked hard, I took a lot of pictures that I will treasure for a lifetime, I got into the whole “minimalist” thing, I increased my generosity, I bought a hammock, I expanded my yoga practice, I started Spanish classes again, I started running outside, I have been painting again, I decided not to be “busy” so I can say “YES” to anything I choose (or no!), I have made wellness a focus of my family, I take time for myself, I tell it like it is, and I have grown up a lot overall (just to name a few).

All of these changes have launched me into a new phase of my life, and have catapulted my counseling practice into a new and exciting space.

I was shocked to see that my blog was still getting views and love even though I was absent in tending it.  Thank you.

So… without further ado…

Back to Business!!

We meditate A LOT in group.  The way we do it combines a variety of interventions that I have taken from here and there over the years. 

I call it “Dead Man.”  This may sound morbid, but I’ve learned from experience that adding silly names to interventions makes it fun for the kids.  It is easy for them to remember.  Plus, it is pretty funny for me when they say, “Ms. Jessica!! We want to do Dead Man!!”  ALL of my clients LOVE this by the way.

We start by spreading out around the room.  I like for them to lie on a solid carpeted floor.  I have found that they do much better relaxing their bodies this way then on cushions or couches.

I walk around while they begin getting relaxed and give them each a “SQUIRT” of my magic calming lotion.  It is actually just lotion that I had made up with essential oils of lavender and peppermint.  This is inspired by a theraplay intervention with a little aromatherapy mixed in.  They take this part very seriously and they love to explain it to new members of the group.

We do not sit in a traditional seated “criss cross apple sauce” meditation pose.  Instead, I have my clients lie in savasana yoga pose (also known as Corpse Pose).  You basically lay on your back with arms and legs stretched out like a gingerbread man and your eyes are closed.  Palms are facing up.

This is why we call it “Dead Man.”

I turn off the lights, but leave the room bright enough that I can see every child for safety.  If one of them is struggling, I will sit by them and rub their hands or their temples until they relax.  Appropriate physical touch is an important part of my counseling practice.  I begin leading them in a guided meditation.  All of the medications I make up focus on taking the kids to a calm, safe place and leave plenty of room for their own interpretations of what that may look like.  After I have finished this part, I instruct them to stay in their safe place for a little while and relax or play there in their minds.  They can usually complete a full, silent medication as a group for about five minutes.  When they start getting restless I instruct them to begin waking up their bodies.  They all get up calmly and we move on to our next group activity. 

I often tie the mediation in with this week’s theme so we can easily use it as inspiration for an art project or the start of a process session. 

I know what you are thinking… The kids I work with WOULD NEVER do that!  I know.  I know.  I have done this with some VERY active children with severe trauma.  They all love it.  I think the trick is to start slow, make it special, and use LOTS of encouragement.  Like I said earlier, my clients beg me to do this often, and I allow them to teach new group members our process.  This peer modeling and interaction helps to keep this tradition going as my group population turns over.

All of my kids face tough challenges.  I love to provide a short space in their day where they can calm, center, imagine, and DREAM.

Thank you for you.  Thank you for your time.  Pass along your undivided attention and love to someone today.


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