Friday, September 14, 2012

Appropriate Anger and Conflict Resolution Recap

Well my Appropriate Anger and Conflict Resolution curriculum actually took two weeks to complete instead of one...

We added in a comic strip to show use of a favorite conflict resolution skill.

The most popular part of this series by far was the PlayStation remote control activity.  It ended up taking three days to complete, and the kids have worked it into our regular group conversations every day since then.  In the moment, I added a line down the middle of the controller.  I asked clients to put negative ways to respond to anger on the lefthand buttons, and positive ways to respond to anger on the right.  We then did skits where clients "controlled" their anger with the giant controllers.  It was a riot. Almost all of the kids reported that they shared this activity with someone in their home!

We also implemented a new behavior plan this week (which I shamelessly copied from one of my favorite 2nd grade teachers)...

Everyone starts with a clothes pin on green and has a chance to "clip up" or "clip down."  This gives many chances to use positive reinforcement.  Parents will be contacted if they land on red or pink.  This week I did not have to call parents for a red day, but I did get to send home 5 fantastic notes for a pink day!  The orange says "no sticker." If they receive yellow or higher they will receive a daily sticker that can be redeemed at the end of the month for our special outing or to shop in our group store.

It is so exciting to see how much progress that some clients have made already this school year.  It has been a rough start adjusting to the school schedule for me.  I have been implementing a few new personal boundaries to help stay caught up and to avoid feeling so burnt out including scheduling the most taxing paperwork at the beginning of the week so that it does not carry over into the weekend, not scheduling clients after hours, and planning vacation days into my schedule this semester.

For the first time since school started I feel "caught up" with paperwork.  Just now.  This evening.

***Note to self for next year... It will take a good 4 weeks to feel adjusted to Back to School!***

"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.  He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.  Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men."
Psalm 107, 28-31

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